How to View and Order your photos
To VIEW your pics
Click on Venues page
Then click on a venue you would like to view
When you have found the event you are looking for - select the link and copy it and then paste into your browser
you will see a link to the photos,
Then click where it says ‘click here to open’ or ‘view gallery’
All the photos will appear
Click on an individual photo and it will open up bigger.
There will be a CHP number under the photo in the centre.
If there are any photos up that you would like to order, just make a note of the photo number under the photo (e.g. CHP_2000) and I will email the high res images to you through We Transfer. Just a note.. for some reason We Transfer expires after 7 days - I have no idea why - so you will need to download the photos within 7 days otherwise you won’t be able to get them :/
Kindly note that images belong to Caroline Hartley Photography and only unless you have purchased your images and received them free of my watermark, may they be used or shared to your social media - thank you for respecting my work
If you favourite your photos on Pixiset I will take that, that you are still looking around and deciding if there is anything you like - please contact me directly if you would like to order a photo
It is R40 per individual photo and if you order more than 20 photos you receive a 10% discount.
Also just give me your email address :D.
I will not send photos until payment and proof of payment has been received!
Please send me a message if there is anything your unsure of :D
You can contact me either through Caroline Hartley on FB or 060 608 8822 or chartleyphotos@gmail.com
The banking details are:
Acc Name : Caroline Hartley
Bank : Capitec
Acc #: 129 534 0494
Branch Code: 470 010
Savings account